During Live blood analysis (also known as Live Blood Microscopy or Live Blood Cell Analysis) a drop of fresh capillary blood is viewed in it’s live state (not oxidised, preserved, treated or stained with chemicals) under a microscope. It is magnified 1000x to view the condition of the blood cells and the plasma, whilst revealing any other contents of the blood that can be signs of imbalance.
Dry blood analysis (also known as the Oxidative Stress Test or Dried Blood Layer Analysis) is when a drop of blood is left to clot and dry on a slide, leaving patterns that are indicative of various imbalances such as metal toxicity or vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Using a high powered specialized dark field microscope with camera, the blood cells are magnified up to 4000X. The camera projects a picture of the live blood cells onto a screen. The live blood analysis practitioner and client can then view the live blood cells together.
Can LDBA Be Used To Diagnose Disease?
Yes. LDBA was pioneered by scientists in the 18th & 19th Centuries such as Antoine Bechamp and Claude Bernard and has continued to be developed ever since. In parts of Europe it is used extensively by integrative medical practitioners.
What is Blood Analysis Used For?
LDBA can identify specific nutrients that may be lacking, give indications of stress in certain organs, and assess levels of inflammation, oxidation or toxicity. It can also help determine digestive capacity and health of the microbiome, as well as indicate the general state of health in the tissues of the body (known as the ‘internal terrain’ or ‘bio terrain’).
A skilled practitioner can use the results of this analysis to gain a deeper understanding of what may be happening within the body of a client, get to the root cause of symptoms and offer advice that is aimed at supporting the body’s natural drive for optimum health.
Is LDBA Based on Scientific Research?
Blood tests generally are only a screening process to reveal various imbalances. This also applies to Live & Dry Blood Analysis, which is often used as a pre-diagnostic system or to measure progress during a specific treatment program.