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Cancer Program

Cancer is a large collection of diseases characterized by an abnormal and uncontrollable cell growth that eventually invades or spreads to adjoining organs. According to the World Health Organization, cancer accounts for approximately 9.6 million deaths across the globe. The most common types of cancer are breast, colon, cervical, lung, prostate, and lymphoma.

Cancer Treatments Include

Ozone Insufflation (Rectal and / or Vaginal)

Colon Hydrotherapy

Theragem Phototherapy – Frequency and Fusion Light Therapy

IV Infusions – Including High Dosage Vitamin C and DMSO

Lymph Treatments

Stem Cell Injections

Range of Natural and Herbal Medications

Diet Assist

The Services of a Wellness Coach Is Also Available


Our treatments are aimed at treating root cause whilst strengthening the immune system and healing the bio-terrain, in turn allowing the body to naturally fight disease.


Our cancer treatment protocol mostly runs over 16 weeks, where the patient will receive treatment 3 to 5 times per week at our clinic facility in George.


This program includes all services and a range of medications listed in points 1 – 7 above, plus regular live and dry blood analysis to measure progress in terms of bio-terrain health.

Overview of Cancer

Cancer can grow and spread anywhere in the body. Human cells grow and divide, forming new cells and replacing the old ones that died. However, when there is an abnormality in the cell process, the diseased or damaged cells refuse to die. This means there is no space for the new cells, which only keep on growing until they form a mass called a tumour. Tumours are either malignant or benign.


Malignant tumours can spread or invade nearby tissues or organs. Worse, some of these tumours tend to break away from the original mass and travel through the lymph or the bloodstream and form new tumours in other parts of the body. They also tend to grow back even when surgically removed. Benign tumours, on the other hand, do not invade or spread to other tissues in the body.


When surgically removed, they do not tend to grow back. While most are not life threatening, benign tumours can be quite large and can affect your quality of life. Unlike infections, tumours can use the immune system to survive, spread, and grow. This means that the immune system does not generate the right response to kill cancerous cells.

What Causes Cancer?

Genetics plays a huge role in the development of cancer. The genes you have inherited from your parents dictate the production of proteins that the cell uses to function. Unfortunately, some inherited genes are more predisposed to developing cancers. For this reason, many doctors recommend genetic testing to determine if a patient has inherited a cancer risk.


Aside from inheriting unique genetic mutations, cancerous cells can be triggered by lifestyle or environmental factors such as exposure to cancer-causing chemicals like nicotine or radiation like ultraviolet rays.

What Are The Risk Factors For Cancer?

Although gene mutation is the common cause of cancer, there are certain other factors that can increase the probability of developing this lethal disease.


1. Exposure to Cancer-causing Substances

Alcohol intake and cigarette use are often blamed for specific types of cancer (i.e., cancers in the mouth, throat, liver, breast, lung). These substances are said to alter how the cells function and thus, trigger gene changes. While it is easy to avoid alcohol and tobacco, it is more difficult to prevent complete exposure to cancer-causing chemicals if they are present in the food you eat or the air you breathe. For instance, aflatoxin is present in most grains and nuts. Luckily, if you stay within the acceptable limits and keep the exposure minimal, there is a high possibility you

won’t develop cancer from them.


2. Lifestyle

Our modern lifestyle choices, fast foods and high levels of stress takes a huge toll on the body and our immune systems. Gut health is often neglected, and our organs have to work especially hard to compensate, resulting in huge immune function challenges.


3. Bacterial and Viral Infections

Some pathogens can either cause cancer or increase the risk of developing it because some bacteria and viruses can disrupt the signals that are vital for cell growth. These viruses often enter the body through blood or fluid transmission. Examples of these pathogens are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis virus B and C (HBV and HCV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.


4. High Level of Hormones

The female hormone, estrogen, has long been linked to certain types of cancer like breast and endometrial cancer. The increase in hormone levels is sometimes due to hormone therapy.

What Are The Main Categories of Cancer?

There are Five Major Categories of Cancer:


1. Carcinoma – tumours found in the skin or tissue lining of the internal organs

2. Sarcoma – tumours found in the cartilage, fat, muscle, bones, and connective tissues

3. Leukaemia – tumours found in the blood and bone marrow

4. Lymphoma – tumours found in the immune system

5. Cancers found in the Central Nervous System


The process of cancer spreading is called metastasis. During metastasis, the cancerous cells split from the primary cell and travel through the lymph system or bloodstream to form new tumours in other parts of the body.


Metastasis makes cancer treatment extremely difficult.


One important thing to note is that while cancer is characterized by cellular and genetic change, some tissue changes are not necessarily cancer. For example, dysplasia (build-up of extra cells) is a known precursor to cancer, though early detection and treatment can reverse them back to normal, healthy cells.

Cure Versus Remission

cure means that the cancer has gone away with treatment, no more treatment is needed, and the cancer is not expected to come back. It is rare that a doctor can be sure that cancer will never come back. Often, when treatment appears to be successful, doctors will say the cancer is “in remission,” rather than “cured.”


Remission is a period when the cancer is responding to treatment or is under control. Some people think that remission means the cancer has been cured, but that may not be the case.


In a complete remission, all the signs and symptoms of cancer go away, and cancer cells can’t be found by any tests.


In a partial remission, the cancer shrinks but doesn’t completely go away.


Remissions can last anywhere from weeks to years.


Treatment may or may not continue during a remission, depending on the type of cancer.  Complete remissions may go on for years and, over time, the cancer may be thought to be cured. If the cancer returns (recurrence), another remission may be possible with more treatment.

Mainstream Treatment Options for Cancer Patients

Cancer treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease, as well as on the patient’s overall health condition. The main goal of cancer treatments is to eliminate or totally kill cancer cells. There are three main modes of cancer treatment: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.



It is the primary treatment offered by medical professionals.  It may be administered through various ways, depending on the clinical factors and the patient’s personal preference. Chemotherapy drugs can be administered either through oral medication, injection, or infusion. It can also be administered intrathecally, intraperitoneally, or topically.  Most of these drugs can result in various severe side-effects, so it is vital that the patient has a serious conversation with their doctor before committing to this type of cancer treatment. Chemotherapy is also sometimes used in the hope to reduce the size of a tumour before beginning another form of cancer treatment.



As the name implies, radiation therapy uses energy such as x-ray to eliminate or reduce cancer cells. It is often used in combination with other cancer treatments (i.e., chemotherapy) and may stop the spread of any remaining cancer cells left by another treatment. However, like chemotherapy, radiation therapy has its own set of side-effects, which include lymphedema (swelling of lymph nodes), undesirable skin reactions, and excessive fatigue.



The surgical removal of cancer depends on various factors including the type of cancer, the size and stage of the tumour, its location, the patient’s age, and their overall health condition and fitness. 

Aside from cancer removal, surgery can also serve as a palliative treatment to remove existing obstructions that are causing the patient unbearable pain. Like radiation therapy, surgery can be combined with other forms of cancer treatment. However, it can also lead to unwanted side-effects that include swelling, infection, lymphedema, pain, and excessive fatigue.

Can Cancer Be Cured?

Whether a person’s cancer can be cured depends on the type and stage of the cancer, the type of treatment they can get, previous treatments and the effect it had on the body and other factors. Some cancers are more likely to be cured than others. But each cancer needs to be treated differently and requires an individual approach.

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